Introduction Exposé is an XTension for QuarkXPress® versions 3.1 and higher. Exposé allows the user to design and build a QuarkXPress catalog of the artwork contained in a given folder or drive with ease. All the user needs to do is create a master page for the catalog and set the preferences — Exposé drops the artwork into picture boxes and enters the desired information about the pictures into designated text boxes. System Requirements Exposé is designed for QuarkXPress 3.1. This Exposé demo is not copy protected and is fully compatible with floppy, RAM, or hard disks. This manual assumes that you are familiar with standard Macintosh™ procedures such as basic use of the mouse, dragging, clicking, double-clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these procedures are new to you, please refer to your Macintosh user’s manual. Installing Exposé To install Exposé, drag the file “Exposé Demo” into the same folder that contains the QuarkXPress application. After this has been done, restart QuarkXPress and follow the directions for using Exposé.